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  • Steele Creek - 250 units 

  • Alexan - 164 units


  • McKinnon project - 4 4-story buildings - up to 96 units in the north  buildings and 70 units in the south buildings

Proposal Anticipated

  • "Town center" - 160 units*

Potential Rezoning/Redevelopments

  • Vacant lots south of Madison Exchange

  • Perry Building across from Madison Exchange

  • Mad Peaches/The Look across from Choppers

  • 50 S. Steele - 300-unit proposal postponed 6/20

cars & parking

Including developments completed, in progress and proposed:


  • Almost 1500 new cars added to CCE

  • Denver only requires 1.5 parking spaces per residential unit, so 25% of these cars would get parked on streets - about 375 cars requiring street parking

  • The loss of 67 commercial parking spaces currently owned by the developers

  • Over 450 new cars on E. Bayaud alone, not counting possible rezonings and redevelopments


While we’re not against the redevelopment of the area within the established 3-story zoning, we are against adding 4 or more-story buildings to define our "town center." Let's take a look at the cumulative effects of adding two 75-foot high-rises to the center of Cherry Creek East. 

Rezoning Projects Map as of May, 2021

Rezoning on Bayaud map

If the "town center" rezoning is approved, we are on the path to a total of 740 new apartment units in our Denver neighborhood, or about 1500 new residents and their cars. If we can retain the current zoning, we'll be positioned to face growth and change in a more reasonable manner.


The Reality of Poor Design

Here's an example of a 5-story building behind low-rise homes: two different types of properties with no unified development principles or architectural integrity. Neighbors we spoke to on 3rd and Logan called it "a nightmare" of lost property values and a destruction of character in their neighborhood. Let's not let this happen in Cherry Creek East!

* In a January 23, 2020 meeting with a We Agree on Three (WAO3) Steering Committee member, one of the developers said the building where Choppers is now would be approximately 90 units and that the other building would have fewer units. Using that information, WAO3 estimates the total number of residential units would be about 160. 

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© 2022 We Agree on Three, Inc.



All numbers are preliminary estimates and illustrate a general sense of the likely impacts. Calculations are based on the number of residential units and publicly available statistics, e.g., residents per unit, cars per unit, percentage of people working, percentage of people driving to work, parking spaces required by the City of Denver, etc. References include U.S. Census (updated), Bureau of Labor Statistics, Data USA, and Denver Zoning documents. 

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on this website belong solely to We Agree on Three Inc. (WAO3) and not necessarily any other person, entity, organization, committee, or group. Assumptions made herein do not reflect the position of anyone other than WAO3.

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