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On November 19, 2019, two developers presented their plan for rezoning the east side of S. Madison at E. Bayaud to Cherry Creek East Association members. Their plan was to rezone the properties from 3 stories to 5 stories. They indicated if we didn't agree to 5 stories, they wouldn't deliver their version of a town center. This was reiterated in follow-up meetings, both in person and via phone, to We Agree on Three Steering Committee members. Their proposal to the city has not yet been filed; however, a timeline of activity can be found here. In the meantime, we have organized a position in response.


Our Position

We Agree on Three (WAO3) represents a united group of more than 160 Cherry Creek East neighbors who oppose rezoning the east side of S. Madison St. at E. Bayaud to allow for building heights that exceed 3 stories. 

What We Support
  • We support the current Denver 3-story zoning pertaining to the east side of Madison, reconfirmed in 2019 with the release of Blueprint Denver 2040.

  • We also support the CCE planning guidelines as they are written in the 2012 Cherry Creek Area Plan (pages 70-73), which states that:

  • “Zoning (of three stories) is in place to support redevelopment.”

  • “Land uses should respect existing boundaries between residential and mixed-use areas.”

  • “Respect the existing scale. Enhance the existing pattern of development intensity with low scale buildings in the residential areas.”

In other words, S. Madison was purposefully designated as a vital dividing line, both practically and aesthetically, between high-rise development to the west and the 2 and 3-story residences to the east.


  • We cautiously agree that a redeveloped "town center," as described in the Cherry Creek Area Plan, has the potential of enhancing the neighborhood in any number of ways; however, this could be accomplished with the current 3-story zoning. We are not anti-development or anti-town center; we simply support the current zoning.​

What We Do

  • We advocate for sensible development of CCE consistent with the Cherry Creek Area Plan and Denver Blueprint.

  • We support the election of candidates who will represent our views.

  • We reach out to the CCE community to encourage active participation and community spirit.

  • We support and advise the CCEA Board.


Why We Oppose Rezoning

  1. The current zoning benefits the overall planning for the neighborhood, creating a dividing line between larger buildings to the west and the 2 and 3-story residences that begin on the east side of S. Madison. 

  2. Rezoning is motivated by developer desire, not neighborhood need. 

  3. Rezoning is being wrapped in promises of neighborhood-pleasing retail and creating an ultimatum for neighbors:  no 5 stories means no new "town center." Those promises are impossible to guarantee!

  4. Rezoning does not meet the City of Denver requirements for rezoning. ​

  5. Rezoning will result in a multitude of negative impacts to the neighborhood.

  6. Rezoning this intersection is just one effort among many to add high-rises to our neighborhood - signaling a need for master planning around density, traffic and neighborhood identity.


Join Us to Support our Current Zoning

Hello, CCE neighbors! Let's work together as a community to keep the existing zoning. When you join We Agree on Three, you'll receive development status updates, be invited to private group meetings, participate in strategy, receive a free yard sign and meet like-minded neighbors who trust in the Cherry Creek Plan as the right plan for Cherry Creek East. After the proposal is filed, we'll work together in a coordinated effort to stop this rezoning through working with our neighborhood association, filing protest petition signatures, writing letters to city council and attending the city council meeting - if we can't stop it beforehand.

Join us to retain the integrity, character and safety of our valued CCE neighborhood!


Thank you for joining!

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